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Friday, February 8, 2008

Caring for Oily Hair - Is it too Big a Struggle?

If you have ever spent hours in the bathroom, blow drying and primping your hair, only to look in the mirror and realize that it looks like an oily blob, you probably threw down your comb in frustration, wondering what the causes of oily hair are.
Perhaps you should try shampoo for oily hair. Or are there other oily hair remedies you should try. No matter how frustrated you are, rest in mind that there are solutions to oily hair!

Top Tips For Your Oily Hair:
If you have oily hair there are many things you can do to control the problem, from fixing your diet to working with your hair care regimen. Here are some of the top tips for fixing greasy, oily hair.
Shampoo For Oily Hair
The best shampoo for oily hair is going to be a shampoo that is clear in color. The clearer the shampoo is, the less junk there is going to be in the shampoo to gum up you hair.
Frequent Washing
One cure for oily hair is frequent washing, provided you are using the right shampoo. Also, leave the shampoo touching your scalp for around five minutes. This is one of the common causes of oily hair-not leaving the shampoo on long enough. You can wash your hair every single day and not damage it when you are dealing with oily hair.
Avoid Conditioners
Conditioners are often not needed by those struggling with oily hair. If you have greasy hair, try skipping conditioner every other time you shampoo. If you need a conditioner for manageability, look for a conditioner that is low on oil, and remember that conditioning only the ends of your hair will often take care of the manageability issue, without adding oil to the scalp. Avoid putting conditioner near your scalp if you have oily hair.
Proper Diet
The oil in your hair is secreted by your sebaceous glands on your scalp, the glands that are located at the base of each shaft of hair. When you eat a diet high in fatty foods, these glands will over produce the oil causing your hair to be oily. Those struggling with oil in their hair should avoid it in their diets.

Major Causes for Hair Damage
Hair comes in a variety of textures from fine to coarse. It can suffer a range of hair damage from fraying, split ends to damage caused by straightening hair with chemical agents or hair irons.
There can be hair damage due to heat from blow dryers or curling irons, hair coloring problems, or even scalp problems like over-production of oil from the sebaceous glands.But if hair is healthy and protected from over exposure to heat and harsh chemicals, it should require nothing more than a good quality shampoo (perhaps one formulated for a specific hair type) and weekly conditioning either with a commercial product or a natural mixture like rosemary and olive oil. Problem hair is usually hair that is being damaged by either an internal or external agent that can be eliminated by a change in routine or habits.
Ten Things That Cause Hair Damage
All to often what we choose to do to our hair in terms of style and supposed "care" actually damages the hair. In addition, our life habits have a significant impact on the health and appearance of the hair.
The jury is still out on the effects of caffeine on the body and its associated systems like the hair. In most cultures, the mild stimulant caffeine, commonly distributed in coffee and soft drinks, is a matter of daily routine. Caffeine has the effect of stimulating the central nervous system, heart, and lungs and will stave off fatigue.It is a general rule of thumb that anything used to excess in the body has a resulting effect on the hair but the most recent studies conducted in 2005 suggest that caffeine actually prevents hair loss. Used topically, caffeine creams sold in Germany have shown good effect on male pattern baldness.Your daily coffee consumption may be good for your hair, but stress and fatigue are not. If you are dinking enough coffee that you experience withdrawal symptoms like headaches and trembling hands when you don't get your "fix," it's time to cut back not just for your hair but for your whole system.If your primary caffeine consumption comes from sodas, these drinks carry a heavy sodium punch that can elevate your blood pressure. Given the fact that some hair loss remedies like minoxidil (Rogaine) were initially developed to combat high blood pressure and were then discovered to stop hair loss, the blood pressure / hair growth link would seem to be confirmed.

Expert Advice on How to Straighten Black Hair Naturally
Obtaining straight hair styles when you have curly, kinky, wavy or frizzy hair can be a difficult thing to do if you do not want to run the risk of damaging the hair permanently.
Black hair straighteners and hair strengtheners can be fairly strong chemical applications used to soften the hair. This process is also known as relaxing, and in this process the basic curly structure of the hair is broken down and changed into a straight form.
Natural Ways to Straighten Black Hair
There are several natural ways to straighten black curly hair. These processes are less damaging on the hair, depending on the treatment, and the results can be possibly less long-lasting. Some examples of natural ways to straighten curly hair are:
Hot Oil Treatments
Hot oil treatments contain proteins and vitamins that are vital to maintain healthy hair, especially if the hair is handled and styled a lot. The oil conditions the hair and straightens it at the same time, resulting in glossy healthy looking hair.The oil used for the treatment is heated and applied to the hair and scalp, after which the hair is covered with a plastic cap allowing the oil to settle on the hair. This method can help heal damaged black curly hair and leaves the hair straightened and shiny.
Blow Drying
For the best straightening result, wash the hair first and use a good conditioner. Comb the conditioner through to the hair ends and leave in for at least half an hour. Rinse the hair and comb it again, after which the hair is blow-dried with a blow dryer with a comb attachment. Working your way down from the scalp to hair ends gives the best results. This way to straighten hair naturally lasts till the next washing treatment.
Straightening Brush
After the hair has been washed and treated with a (leave in) conditioner, the hair must be combed from the scalp down to the hair ends, possible adding a little oil or water to the hair in the process. As it takes a long time for naturally curly hair to dry, this technique can be used wile blow drying. It is important to use a boar hair brush, as synthetic bristle brushes can tear hair out and possible leave it damaged.
Another way
Another way to straighten curly hair is to brush it through after conditioning and dividing the brushed hair into sections after which the hair is tightly curled around big hair rollers. After drying the hair can be brushed straight down.

Secrets To Healthy Hair
Unfortunately, most of the real basic ingredients for healthy hair are at odds with the way modern Americans lead their lives. Still, it bears repeating to say that coloring your hair,
going on crash diets, and smoking or being with smokers will damage short and long hair. Care should also be taken to use products with a minimum of chemicals present to prevent a damaging build up that essentially suffocates the hair shaft. There are specific considerations for various types of hair.
Secrets To Maintaining Healthy Hair
There are lots of secrets in maintaining healthy hair and some of them are as follows:
Although many people believe long hair is more difficult to handle, in reality it is the most versatile of all hair styles. Tangling is a major issue and can be lessened by detangling before shampooing and by not piling the hair on top of the head and bunching it when wet. It is best to shampoo while showering and to work the shampoo down the length of the hair as if you were milking a cow. Always end with a cold water rinse to enhance the sheen of your hair.Concentrate conditioner at the ends of the hair to avoiding splitting and if possible, air dry. Any natural hair care methods will always be better than artificial ones like blow drying. If you have to blow dry, try to do so in shifts so that your hair does not get too hot which causes the hair to be brittle and to break more easily. Never brush you hair while it is wet and use only wide tooth combs.If you would like your hair to fall in waves, braid it while it is still wet, then take it down when it is dry. Putting it up in a top knot while wet will create volume when the hair is released. Braids or pony tails are always useful in any situation where your hair can become tangled or caught in something. If your hair is down on a cold, windy day, put your hair inside your coat when going outside.For special occasions braiding scarves or ribbons into your hair can create a touch of elegance and the pinned back chignon is always a classic touch as is a French braid. Make sure to have frequent small trim work even if you have to do it yourself to keep any split ends under control. If you trim your own split ends, do each hair individually. For this kind of self-care, it's a good idea to get a friend with long hair to do the trim for you and then you can return the favor.
Short hair presents few problems in and of itself. There are of course issues with the quality of hair worn in any style (curly, fine, thick, frizzy, oily) which will be discussed below. The major consideration in short hair is to match the cut to the shape of your face.There are seven basic facial shapes: diamond, heart, oval, rectangle, round, square, and triangular. Not all facial shapes are compatible with all cuts. Diamond-shaped faces that are narrow at the forehead but wide at the cheeks with a small, pointy chin work best with cuts that add more fullness at the crown of the head to balance out the width of the cheeks.Heart-shaped faces with their wide foreheads and small chins looks best when paired with a layered bob with lots of volume. Asymmetrical cuts also compliment this facial configuration. Oval faces are characterized by high foreheads and narrow but round chins. This is the most balance of all the facial shapes and works well with any cut.Rectangular faces are long with high foreheads and defined jaws and chins. In general a chin-length or shoulder-length cut will be most effective to call attention away from the length of the face and to give an overall softening effect. Some fringe or bangs at the forehead also works well.Round faces have wide foreheads and full jaws. Because the shape is similar to the oval, most styles will work but be sure to have fullness above the ears. The softer the cut and the more the layers come forward toward the face the better the style for this facial type. Asymmetrical cuts are also good.The square face with its "lantern" jaw and wide forehead needs a graduated cut with lots of volume at the crown. Triangular faces, on the other hand, that are widest at the jaw and more narrow at the temple can actually accommodate most styles except those with volume at the top or crown of the head.
Curly hair care can present many issues because this hair type is so susceptible to frizziness. Many people use the old method of lightly spritzing the hair with hair spray, allowing the product to dry, and then shaping the hair with either their fingers or a brush. Be careful about doing this too much, however. Hair spray contains alcohol and if your hair gets too dry the frizziness will only get worse.Always use a wide tooth comb and try to gently detangle your hair while it is wet. Never brush wet hair, however. It is best to allow the hair to drip dry. Beware of straightening products. Most contain harsh chemicals that will damage your hair over time and can lead to hair loss. If you feel you must straighten your hair use a steam straightening device set to the lowest temperature or go to a salon. Professional hair care products for straightening should cause less damage to your hair in the hands of a competent stylist.

With fine hair, the shorter the cut the better. Generally fine hair is very limp and cannot take the weight of a longer hair style. You should have the benefit of good sheen, however, so a short and relatively blunt style will give the illusion of volume. Don't do anything to make the hair brittle, which leads to breaking and split ends. Avoid the excessive heat of blow drying and curling irons. Read the labels of your hair care products and avoid harsh detergents like sodium lauryl sulfate. Minimize the use of hairsprays and gels that contain too much alcohol. These products will dry out the hair.Don't over condition. This leads to chemical build-up. "Leave in" conditioners are especially bad in this regard. At least once a week shampoo with a product designed for cleansing the hair only. This will combat build up from conditioners, which leaves the hair even more limp and less manageable.
Coarse or thick hair has much more body and life and so has more versatility than fine hair. Avoid blunt cuts which make the hair look bushy. Try something layered. If your hair is thick and curly, cuts that accentuate the curl will in the long run present fewer problems with hair style and care.The greatest problem with thick hair is simply its tendency toward dryness. Avoid hair products that contain alcohol such as hair sprays and gels. If at all possible, air dry rather than using a curling iron and choose a mild shampoo to promote as much softness as possible, maybe even a baby shampoo.
Although the problem of frizz is most often associated with curly hair, many people experience problems with frizz in the summer due to heat and humidity. Hair that is dry, drab, and brittle will also be frizzy.You should choose both a conditioner and a shampoo designed to moisturize. Choose products that say they will "replenish" over those that speak to "volumizing" or to creating "body." With frizz, moisturizing is everything.Don't blow dry or use a curling iron. At night or on a weekend when you plan to stay in, apply jojoba oil to your hair, wrap it in plastic, and if possible leave it there through the night. Do not shampoo daily. Wear a hat when you are in the sun. Hair can sunburn just as seriously as the skin. Be religious about getting your hair trimmed every six to eight weeks.

Top Hair Care Tips
Whether you have straight or curly hair, care of that stuff growing on top of your head takes up at least some time in every day of your life.
When most people look for information about that aspect of their grooming routine, however, they're usually seeking articles with titles like Managing Long Hair or Curly Hair Tips. Rarely do we consider that most people don't really know what hair is, what it's made of, or how it grows.Deep in the dermis of the human skin, particularly on the scalp, long, bulb-like follicles produce a shaft of protein. That protein strand is hair. A new hair pushes outward from the follicle and upward through the skin. A single hair can live four to five years before falling out and being replaced by another strand. On the human head the rate of growth is about half an inch a month.A strand of hair has an inner cortex and a series of outer layers (6 to 8 in humans) known as the cuticle. In chemical terms the hair is 90% a-keratin and 10% water. The protein (a-keratin) is encased in a wrapping of microfibrils held together by a kind of protein glue. The resulting tensile strength of hair, even when it is dead, is quite strong. Wet hair, however, is very fragile.
Types of Hair
There are different types of hairs for different people. You need to know what type of hair you have and then plan to maintain your hair.
Straight versus Curly Hair
The type of hair, in terms of straight or curly, depends in part on a further chemical component. The a-keratin and other proteins in hair contain sulfur atoms which bond together in pairs to form a disulfide bond. When the two proteins that bond are distanced from one other, the bonding causes a bend in the hair.In addition, the environment can temporarily increase or decrease this bonding. Damp days are often known as "bad hair" days in the vocabulary of curly hair care. Humidity forces water back into the hair shaft and affects the number and degree of bends. Depending on the chemical structure of the hair, humidity may make it fall or become straighter, or kink and become even curlier. When the humidity subsides, the hair chemistry will seek its normal level.When a person with straight hair gets a chemical treatment known as a "permanent," the solution applied to their hair alters the disulfide bonds and cause the hair to bend into curls. As new hair grows in, however, it will resume its normal state. By the same token people with curly hair can use chemical solutions to break down their disulfide bonds thus straightening the hair, but the solution is only temporary and the normal chemistry of the hair will reassert itself.
Extreme curliness or frizziness can be a product of heredity, as in the case of people of African descent. Because the physical structure of African hair is flat, the strands roll up into very dense, tight curls. Curly hair in other races can appear frizzy when it has been damaged by chemical processes or environmental factors. This is often caused by the end of the hair unraveling and fraying into split ends which gives the frizzy appearance.The combination of summer heat and high humidity can make any hair type dry and brittle which leads to the fraying of split ends. If frizziness is not a product of heredity and physical hair structure, it is an issue of the hair needing to be moisturized and of the damaged, split ends needing to be removed.
Ingrown Hairs
Irregular hair growth or ingrown hairs are most common in people with curly hair (and in men's beards). An ingrown hair occurs when the hair strand grows back into the skin. The area will become inflamed and often pus will form. Normally a single ingrown hair can be allowed to heal on its own. The infected area will open and drain when sufficient pressure has built for the infection to break through the skin. This essentially frees the hair to grow outward again. Many times, however, the area will need to be opened and the hair extracted with a pair of tweezers.If you perform this minor surgery, place a hot wash cloth over the irritated hair to soften the outer layer of skin. Avoid digging at the skin. Use a sterilized needle to gently open the lesion and apply mild pressure to release the pus and encourage the area to drain. Although you may need to use a magnifying glass, the hair should be visible and can be gently lifted out with the tip of the needle until enough of the shaft is exposed to allow it be grasped with tweezers and extracted. If ingrown hairs become a chronic problem, you may need to wear your hear in a longer style to keep the tips of the shafts away from the skin.

Artificial Ways to Straighten Black Hair
Artificial ways of hair straightening encompass all methods in which thermal aids (such as hair thongs) or chemicals are used to relax the hair. These methods are usually more damaging to the hair than natural methods, but the results will last longer with most chemical treatments. How to straighten hair depends on the specific procedure followed.
Thermal Conditioning
In thermal conditioning a pre-conditioner is applied to the hair, to protect the hair from the following chemical procedure. Heat and chemicals combined relax hair (straighten it) and the result will stay. After the conditioning treatment a chemical hair relaxed is applied in stages with intervals of flat ironing of the treated hair.

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